Tourism in France |
Tourism in France
France is one of the most famous countries visited by tourists because of its picturesque nature that captivates the hearts, as it is famous for the romantic atmosphere and the presence of many tourist places, resorts, and beaches along the Mediterranean Sea, as the weather in France varies from city to city and therefore the appropriate time Travel varies by destination.The reasons that make you travel to France
France has a lot of tourism ingredients that make it the most famous country in the world for its luxurious museums and tourist attractions, and many activities such as skiing or shopping can be carried out and enjoying the largest amount of discounts offered by stores, if the visit is in the winter Or, take cruises on the famous Seine river in the capital, Paris, or visit the city of the most famous games in the world.France is one of the most famous countries visited by tourists because of its picturesque nature, captivating the hearts, and is also famous for the romantic atmosphere and the presence of many tourist places, resorts, and beaches along the Mediterranean
The most famous tourist place in France
The Eiffel Tower has been designed by engineer Gustave Eiffel near the River of the Tooth and has been built to celebrate the centenary of the French Revolution. This tower is one of the most famous towers and the Eiffel Tower is the symbol of the French capital Paris, which is the city of love, lights, and the most visited city.The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most prominent tourist attractions, and from its roof, you can see Paris in a way you did not see before, from where you can see the forests and the other angle, you can see the capital.
The Louvre Museum The museum was originally established as a palace that includes the kings of France and was called the Louvre Palace but it turned into a museum after the French Revolution and is one of the most luxurious and famous museums in the world and includes many sculptures and statues and ancient oriental antiquities dating back to these seven thousand years ago Christmas.
The Seine, which passes through the capital, Paris, is one of the transportation routes as well as cruises.
Disneyland is the most famous theme park in the world and no one can travel to France nor visit this city because it contains many wonderful and interesting games.
The right times to visit France
It is possible to travel to France at all times of the year, but there are times when the number of tourists abounds in size, which makes the cost of hotels and accommodation as high as the summer season, so if you want to travel in a quiet time with a small density of tourists, the best season for travel is in the spring Where the atmosphere is moderate and calm, as the visit in the winter is reduced costs and hotels offer many offers to attract the largest number of visitors.Important advice before traveling to France
It is important to know through research the customs and traditions of the country you are going to and do not lose sight of learning some important French words that may help you in these strange countries so that you do not face many problems.It is also better for you if your destination for travel is one of the major cities in France, to use the bus or train as a means of transportation instead of taxis, because of the high prices in an exaggerated manner.